E-Training Platform

This website presents the e-toolbox that was originally designed in the framework of the AQUACYCLE project, based on the design and operation of an eco-innovative system for the treatment of domestic wastewater, coded as APOC. In the context of the MEDWAYCAP project, which intends to ensure a sustainable capitalisation of Non-Conventional Water (NCW) best practices (BPs) and their replicability, the content of this platform has been upgraded to include more BPs, that have been registered in the project’s Inventory platform, accordingly.

The e-toolbox is addressed foremost to technicians and operators of water and wastewater treatment plants, to equip them with state-of-the-art knowledge on NCW resources techniques, management, planning and skills for reuse at territorial level for domestic and agricultural purposes. It provides detailed guidance on the required dimensioning and operational functionality of each BP, as well as a variety of fun learning activities and an extensive set of further reference materials including i.e. video tutorials.

Thus, it is a fact that this e-toolbox brings also a wealth of information to a next generation of engineers and budding researchers in the ever-evolving water and sanitation domain. All water is too precious to waste!

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the AQUACYCLE and MEDWAYCAP Partnerships and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.


Built with Angular

Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript.

Designed with Web Accessibility in mind

Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that everyone, including people with disabilities can use them. For more information, read the accessibility report

Responsive design

The web app was designed to be usable across all devices.


Users can interact both with the platform administrators and with other users, in the Networking section.


Users can familiarize themselves with the equations.


Users can explore the available bibliography.


Learning experience is facilitated with the usage of multimedia.

Crosswords and Quizzes

e-Training experience is enhanced by means of serious gaming.

Sign in with Google

Besides signing up with their mail, users can also sign in using their Google account.
